Saturday, September 29, 2018

Chromebooks in the Classroom

Chromebooks: A Versatile Classroom Tool

Chromebooks are one of the most versatile and relatively inexpensive pieces of technology available to school today.  Not only do they allow the internet to be easily accessible, students are able to utilize numerous web 2.0 tools, as well as basic word processing functions.  There really are a wealth of resources available to teachers and students through Chromebooks. As a classroom teacher, I was fortunate to have them, 1-to-1, for 7 out of the 8 years which I was in the classroom.  They allowed me to test the boundaries of eLearning and provide my students with opportunities which may otherwise have been impossible.

The R.A.T. Model is a wonderful resource to use when implementing technology like Chromebooks into the classroom because it takes the user through different stages of how the technology can be used.  The model allows teachers at different levels of comfort with technology to find something useful to them and their students. The graphic below shows some basic applications of a Chromebook through the different level of the R.A.T. method, but a teacher would not be limited by the graphic because pretty much anything you use on the internet you can use on a Chromebook, and that does not even include all of Google’s Apps for Education.

Helpful Links on Chromebooks

1 comment:

  1. Your graphic is very informative and is an attractive way to provide this information. I think that Chromebooks have so many applications in a school that it is nearly impossible to really list them all out or put them in a graphic and when you add applications to that, the list only grows, but I think that the ones you listed out in your graphic are a great start to that list and can hopefully inspire others to think of even more.
